疫情教會我們…💡 Important Takeaways from the Pandemic🦠
We received a message suggesting a compilation of the previous two posts for easier sharing Thank you!)
Life hacks to deal with uncertainty and change during COVID:
照顧自己情緒 Practice emotional self-care
It’s ok to feel whatever you are feeling. Recognize and respond to your emotions kindly. You can stay calm and carry on.
維持日常生活和社交規律 Keep regular daily and social routine
Take actions that give you joy and meanings. Choose to focus on what you have control over. #takecontrol
有效使用可信的新聞來源 Effective use of reliable news sources
Choose reliable news media to keep informed but not to get overwhelmed by constantly watching out for threats.
接受改變,繼續前行 Accept changes and carry on
Accept that your plan may be changed or even cancelled. Roadblocksor detours do not mean we can’t enjoy the journey.
尋找自己的解壓方式 Find your own way to destress
Everybody copes differently; check in with yoursel fot learn what works for you.
尋求幫助 Seek help
Seeking help is a sign of strength and courage, not weakness.
撒瑪利亞會24小時熱線電話 The Samaritans 24-hour hotline: 2896 0000
電郵服務 Email: [email protected]