【Who are suitable for home isolation? 】

When infected with COVID-19, the infected person needs to be isolated so as to prevent spreading the disease to others. Home isolation may be an option for some. However, not everyone is suitable for home isolation. Below are some examples not suitable for home isolation:
• High risk individuals* who cannot monitor their own health condition effectively by themselves and ensure that medical attention could be sought immediately when condition deteriorates.
• Those who need to share cooking or toilet facilities with non-household members, such as living in a subdivided flat, partitioned room or cage room.
• A single room cannot be arranged for the confirmed patient at home for home isolation.
• A designated toilet cannot be arranged for the confirmed patient.
• There are other household members who are not yet confirmed cases but belong to high risk individuals*, and the high risk individuals cannot move out.
* High risk individuals include persons aged 70 years or above, children aged 5 years or below, pregnant women at 28 or more weeks of gestation and immunocompromised persons
The Government will arrange those who are not suitable to be isolated at home to undergo isolation at a suitable isolation facility. For more information, please visit the following webpage: https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/tested-positive.html