【Must comply with the law during home isolation】

The Government requires individuals of confirmed cases to put on the electronic wristbands during their home isolation period, with a view to ensuring compliance with the isolation legal requirement that they must not leave their household area to reduce the risk of further chance of community transmission.
Infected persons who fail to put on the electronic wristbands as required, or leave their household area during the home isolation period may commit a criminal offence. The Department of Health (DH) will take resolute follow up actions in accordance with the relevant regulations, including the possibility of prosecution. In addition, pursuant to section 27(1) of the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulation (Cap. 599A), an authorised officer has the power to remove the relevant person to any designated isolation venue.
A gentle reminder: the DH will issue an isolation order to the relevant person specifying that person to undergo isolation for at least 7 days. The Isolation Order will indicate which date is the first day of the isolation period.